ÔRKiD blossomed into the ÔRKiD App after years of working in the service industry. Our primary goal was to find technology that streamlined recipes and communications for every restaurant around the globe. ÔRKiD tried everything from drop box, spreadsheets, and Google to assist in our day-to-day restaurant work and consultancy projects, but could not find a common space where all our work was easily accessible for chefs, managers and their employees. So, we took matters into our own hands and have created a digital solution for any restaurant no matter the size. #TheRestaurantRecipeApp

The ÔRKiD App Team


Matthew Neele



Ruth Neele

Numbers Cruncher


Adriaan Neele

Ideas Man


Christian Nkoulou Tsongui

Developer | Partner

Developer | Android Specialist


Trungvuong Pham

Developer | Partner

Developer | iOS Specialist


The ÔRKiD App

- A restaurant recipe app and management communications platform. When Matthew Neele, founder of ÔRKiD a startup in the culinary industry, needed a mobile app, he turned to GVSU’s Applied Computing Institute (ACI) for assistance.  Matt was introduced to Jonathan Engelsma (Director of the Applied Computing Institute and computer science professor) through a mutual friend and after discussing the various collaboration options ACI offers industry partners, decided to submit a proposal to sponsor a senior project team.  

Based on his life experience as a chef, Matt founded The ÔRKiD App to help provide modern digital solutions to the many challenges faced daily in the kitchens of restaurants around the world. While Chef Matthew Neele is an expert in the culinary industry, and also has an appreciation for technology, he was interested in tapping GVSU’s expertise to help him bring his idea to the next level.  More specifically, Matt was looking for a prototype app that he could use to do a small pilot study with a number of “friendly” associates around the world who work in the culinary industry.  

Showing large potential and valuable feedback from industry titans the ÔRKiD App keeps blossoming into the work tool it was meant to be.

Public deployment coming soon!